20 Items to Declutter from the Kitchen


The following list is just a starting point to get you going. Remember that items that are important to you might not be important to others, so do what works for you!

  1. Cookbooks. Donate cookbooks that you no longer use.  For books that you only use one or two recipes, consider writing them out and storing them in a recipe box or binder rather than keeping the whole book.  If you keep recipe magazines, tear out the pages that you would like and store them in a binder.

  2. Wooden spoons or other cooking utensils.

  3. Dish towels. Go through all dish towels and discard those that are past their prime.  Evaluate your remaining towels to see if you actually need and use them all.  If not, donate them or use them for rags if they are not in good enough condition to donate.  You can turn some of your old dish towels into rags and move them into the laundry room or the garage.

  4. Baking Ware.  Look for extra, old, or unused cookie sheets, pie pans, muffin tins, etc.

  5. Cleaning Supplies. Take stock of your cleaning supplies and toss those that you no longer use.  If you have multiple bottles with the same product, combine them (marry them together ;)  Place those bottles that are close to empty towards the front of your stash so you will use them up first.

  6. Mixing Bowls.  

  7. Countertops. Nothing makes your kitchen look messier than a cluttered countertop, and the clutter makes counters much more difficult to wipe down and keep clean.  Get rid of unneeded papers, small appliances that are not used on a regular basis (you could just store these away if you still use them periodically), and decorative accessories that you do not love. (Check out my blog on managing paper clutter that piles up on your counter top, I have some tips for you.)

  8. Oven Mitts/Hot Pads.

  9. Spices.  Chances are you have at least a few spices that you never use that are still lurking in your cupboards. Toss any spices that you don’t use or have lost their flavor or scent. Try just stocking the basic spices that you use. You can always look to buy a small amount of bulk spices if you need something for a particular recipe down the line.

  10. Corning ware.

  11. Pantry Items. Toss anything that is opened that you won’t be using or items that are expired. If you have other items stocked that you don’t think you will use, donate them to a food bank.

  12. Fridge/Freezer. Quickly toss items that are expired or look freezer burned. Check bottles for expiry dates – you may be surprised at what you find!

  13. Tupperware or other food storage. Match up lids and bottoms and toss anything that does not have a pair.  Donate any remaining items that you no longer need or use.

  14. Cutlery.

  15. Glasses and Coffee Mugs.  Take stock of what you really need. Recycle any chipped or broken glasses.  If you have extra, mis-matched pieces, let them go.  If you are a coffee mug collector, keep your favorites to put on display and donate the rest. Or pass some of your extra mugs onto loved ones or friends.

  16. Dishware.

  17. Kitchen Gadgets. Kitchen gadgets always sound so amazing, but are often seldom used. Donate any items that you no longer use OR if the function can be done with another item that you already have.  Don’t save items for “someday” – keep only what you use and don’t keep anything out of guilt because it was a gift, especially if you don’t use it! Think of passing it onto someone else who will use it and appreciate it.

  18. Small Kitchen Appliances.  If you don’t use it (or the task can really be done by another appliance), donate or sell it.  You will get a big bang for your buck with these as they are often huge space suckers!

  19. Medicine/Vitamins. If you don’t already store your medicine here, the kitchen is a great spot for it as long as it is kept in a cooler spot away from the steam of the stove or other appliances.  Be sure all medications are up to date, you know what everything is for, and it is stored safely away from little hands.

  20. Junk Drawer. I think most of us have a “junk drawer” with miscellaneous items – just make sure you actually need what you keep!  Look for old batteries, extra office supplies, candles, tools, phone chargers or extra cords that you no longer use, etc

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Negative Effects of Clutter: 11 ways your stuff is affecting you!

