Negative Effects of Clutter: 11 ways your stuff is affecting you!


The things we own, own us! Our stuff actively affects us, all the time. This post is about the negative effects of clutter. Discussing the common ways your stuff is actually affecting you. All to inspire and motivate you to clear the clutter and regain control over your life!

Most people feel attached to the things they own. You spent your money on them, you’re emotionally attached to your things, you use “stuff” to express who you are to the world, etc. Because we feel attached to the things we own, de-cluttering and letting go can be hard.

The goal is to only keep the things that add enough value to your life (because you use them regularly or love them), to make up for what they take from you.

De-cluttering isn’t about what you’re giving up. Instead, it’s about what you gain when you let go of the clutter, the excess and the distractions.

It’s about clearing the clutter from your home and your life so you have more time, space, energy and clarity!

1. Clutter steals your time

Everything you own takes some of your time. First, you need to work to earn the money to buy it. Then shop for it, pick it up, organize it, put it away, repair it, maintain it, look for it, etc.

Even if it doesn’t seem like much time, when you multiply those few seconds multiple times a day by every single item you own, it adds up. It can often feel like you have a never-ending to-do list just taking care of all your stuff!

2. Clutter steals your space

Every item in your home takes some of your space. Again, for the items you use and/or love, they add value to your life in exchange for the space they take up.

But for the things you don’t use or love, they simply fill your space. Making your home feel crowded, cluttered and overwhelming.

3. Clutter steals your money

All the stuff you own used to be money you had.

Impulse or emotional purchases are an excellent examples of the way clutter can steal your money. Those are the kinds of purchases you don’t need and likely won’t bring you lasting enjoyment or use. Quickly ending up as unused or unloved clutter in your home instead. And even worse, purchases that aren’t planned and intentional can cause you to spend more than you want or can afford. And can even lead you to accumulate debt.

4. Clutter steals your energy

One of the big negative effects of clutter is just how much energy the stuff you own takes from you. And there are so many different ways “stuff” takes your energy.

It starts with working to earn the money to buy the stuff. Then goes on to the energy it takes to manage all the stuff you own. From shopping for it, picking it up, organizing it, looking for it, reorganizing it, keeping track of it, etc. it all adds up.


5. Clutter interferes with your relationships

Another negative effect of clutter is the way it interferes with your relationships with the people you love and care about.

When a big portion of your time and energy are spent managing the stuff you own, you have less time and energy to give to the people you love.

Not only that, but clutter is distracting! It’s hard to give your full attention to the people you care about when the clutter and “stuff” in your life are constantly competing for your attention.

When you aren’t able to give your time, energy and attention to the people you love, your relationships with them can suffer.

A cluttered home can also leave you feeling embarrassed about the way your home looks. Sometimes making you not want to invite people over to your house. Which can interfere with your relationships with friends and family even further.

6. Clutter steals your contentment

When clutter causes your home to become a source of stress for you, not a retreat from the world and the stress you face in it, clutter can start stealing your happiness and contentment with your home.

Clutter can also impact your happiness in general, beyond just your contentment with your home. For many people, a cluttered home can negatively impact their mood, leaving them feeling stressed, cranky, anxious and unhappy.

7. Clutter and mental health

There is a strong connection between clutter and mental health. A variety of studies have shown that one of the big negative effects of clutter is the impact a cluttered home can have on your mental health.

There is a strong link between clutter and stress. Studies have shown a cluttered home increases cortisol levels in the brain, particularly in women. Cortisol is known as the stress hormone. When your body is in a continual state of stress for long periods of time, it can impact both your mental and your physical health.

8. Clutter steals your freedom

There are many different ways clutter can steal and interfere with your freedom.

To start with, the stuff you own ties you down and burdens you. The more you own, the more you are required to take care of and manage. Whereas a clutter-free home gives you more freedom to use your time and energy for things that matter most to you.


9. Clutter steals your productivity

Clutter distracts you, competes for your attention and can visually overstimulate you. All of which makes it hard to focus and can interfere with your productivity.

When you feel like you are never catching up on or are always behind on housework, it’s hard to feel or be productive. Often feeling like you’re spinning your wheels, but never getting ahead.

10. Clutter steals your peace

When you’re surrounded by clutter and chaos, it’s hard to rest or relax in your home. It can leave you feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, defeated, stressed and discontent. And definitely not peaceful in your home.

Your home becomes another source of stress in your life. Instead of a refuge from the stress you face in your daily life. It is no longer a sanctuary or peaceful place for you to retreat to in order to rest, relax, recharge and find peace.

11. Clutter impacts your quality of life

All of these negative effects of clutter add up to impact your overall well-being and quality of life. Clutter can impact so many facets of your life. From your time and energy, your contentment with your home and life, all the way to your mental and physical health.


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