

Whether you're doing this for yourself or someone else, downsizing is never easy. Most people tend to "downsize" each time they move, and we always dread the process, don't we? It's never easy to choose and it's even more difficult to give-up items that you've had for a long time.

So, where do you start?

Consider your new Space

Obtain a blueprint or layout of your new home; find out exactly the size of each room, then decide which large pieces of furniture can move with you. Knowing what will fit and what won't fit makes the decision a little easier.

Go Through Each Room and Ask yourself Questions

First, start with the areas of your home that you don't use much, such as the attic, the basement, the laundry room or spare room. It's easier to get rid of belongings from rooms that are mostly used for storage. Check to see if anything is broken or chipped. Those are easy things to get rid of right away.

One place to start looking for chipped items is your china cabinet. Look at your china and get rid of any tea cups that are chipped or cracked. Keep only the ones that you will use and are in good condition.

Go through all your photo albums and see if you recognize all the people in them. If not, then let go of some of those old pictures. Only take the precious photos that you won’t want to let go of. Like your wedding photos, different family members births, special family trips things like that.

Looking at your wall and the art on it, is another decision to make. See if your new space has room for all of them.

Look at the rugs and throw pillows, do you need all of them. Or can you donate some of those items today?

Go through your clothes and your closet.

Getting rid of things that don’t fit you anymore is an easy place to start. So many of us have clothes in our closet that we are hoping to fit into one day. Well if you haven’t fit into them in the past few years, its time to move them along. Look for clothes that have stains, or tears. And Ask yourself, would I buy this again? You can donate some of these items to the salvation army, so they are going to people in need.

Many of us have old eye glasses that we no longer use, or the prescription is old. You can donate these items to an optometrists and they can have your old eye glasses sent to India or other third world countries to help someone there.

Looking at duplicates around the house is another easy place to start.

Unless you’re holding onto something for sentimental reasons, now’s the time to get rid of those doubles. Two wine holders? Multiple printers? Six table lamps when you need only three? Choose your favorites and downsize the rest.

Make it fun

Use a coloured coded sticker system. You can get these from the dollar store. Red for getting rid of, green for moving into your new home and yellow for maybe, you’ll go back to that item and decide later.

Now when you have made a decision to let it go. Either sell, donate, or give away to a family member or friend. Get it out of the house as soon as possible. It is always easy to pull things out of piles and decide to keep them when you are still living around them.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself as you are going through your home:

When was the last time I used this?

If I do use it, how often and why? What purpose does it serve?

Do I own another item that can serve the same purpose as this one?

Is this item something I love? Does it have sentimental value that can't be replaced?

Can I get by without it? Would I have to replace it if I choose to get rid of it?

Is it in good shape? Will it last for a long time?

Does it need repair, and if so, how much will that cost and is it worth the price and my time?

Do I know someone else who would benefit a lot more from its use?

Does it serve a purpose in this new life that I'm moving to?

Be Gentle with Yourself or to the Relative That's Moving

Remember, moving isn't easy; it presents a significant change that's both physically exhausting and in most cases, emotionally overwhelming as well. This is a big change that touches an even deeper emotional trigger. But it doesn’t have to be hard, you can make it light and fun. Tackle one room per week. Give yourself a lot of time to go through everything.

Remember these thoughts as you start to downsize your home:

Be sensitive to yourself or to the relative that's moving.

Remind yourself that your goal is not to get rid of everything you hold dear, but to simplify your life.

Be patient and kind.

Be understanding if you or your loved one is upset.

Give yourself time to work through it. If you're tired, rest. Take a break. Go for a walk. Talk to someone.

If you're having a difficult time, ask for help.

If you can't decide on an item, remember that you can go back to it.

Allow yourself or your relative to remember. Belongings all contain memories, so take the time to reflect. It's an important step in possibly letting go.

Once you've managed to pack up your home, try to celebrate this new stage in your life. Call a friend. Be good to yourself. You deserve it.

And remember you do not have to do this alone. Ask your family or your local church organization. There are usually people there who are willing to lend you a helping hand, or hire a professional.

I am here if you need any help, and I would be honored to do so.

~SOUL EASE Professional Organizing

Sort- Organize- Use- Live

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