Belly Binding

You've just done something amazing and brought a new life into this world! Before you start stressing about getting your pre-baby body back or even just returning to how things were before - be gentle on yourself. The practice of belly binding has been around for centuries, all over the world and across many cultures.

In these cultures they use a long piece of cotton fabric to wrap around the mothers abdomen to ensure the uterus from falling down and to help the uterus close and contract. They are typically worn for 2 weeks during the day. These are not just used to heal the muscle wall, but to actually help place the “womb” back in its proper position. 

Here are a few more benefits to belly binding

-Postpartum hemorrhage prevention

-Relief from birth ‘afterpains’, which typically become stronger with each child

-Reduces postpartum internal organ swelling

-Encourages internal organs to migrate to their original place

-Provides posture support during breastfeeding

After birth, abdominal massage and wrapping are common to help heal muscle walls as well place "the womb" back into its proper position again.

The bandage style is ideal for all mothers as it’s breathable and has enough elasticity to stretch, bind the belly tight or loose depending on your needs. It also provides a good option if you've had a c-section because these wraps can be thin enough so that they don't irritate any freshly made scars while still being strong enough protect against infection in general!

There are so many new moms out there that have given birth and their belly feels squishy. The feeling of the secure wrap holding everything together makes it feels so “secure” and like it is holding everything together because it is firm.

Belly binding is a great way to provide posture support during breastfeeding and correct diastasis recti (separation of abdominal muscles). It also gives the mother that security she needs.

The uterus is a symbol of femininity, womanhood and creativity in Latin American cultures. One way in which these ancient traditions honor woman was through the rites of the womb known as the "munay ki." They believe that the womb is not a place to hold fear or shame the womb is place to give birth and create new life.

The holder of this sacred knowledge is called a Womb Keeper and has been entrusted with the responsibility to carry on this legacy.


In-Home Belly Binding Service: $125

This in home service includes an immediate postpartum belly bandage, within 3 days of giving birth with a cloth/elastic wrap. You will also get tutorials on how to correctly perform each wrapping technique with my support! This is also included as part of my postpartum package so it doesn't come out of your pocket. If you are interested in my services please reach out for more information.


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