Letting Go of Sentimental Items.


My grandmother's stunning china collection was a work of art, with exquisite bone tea cups and saucers, delicate sugar bowls adorned with lovely floral designs. Having to part ways with such sentimental pieces seemed impossible until I found the perfect compromise - honouring her memory by keeping hold of a couple cherished tea cups out in the open where I could use them day-to-day. In this way she is still near me!

Why Is Decluttering Sentimental Items Hard?

Have you ever struggled to let go of certain physical items, even though the memories they contain are stored securely away in your heart?

Keep What Brings Value and Joy

When someone passes away or moves away, they often leave behind things of sentimental value. It can be hard to let go of these items because of the memories attached to them. But if we don’t use them, they become clutter that just takes up space. That’s why I believe it’s important to keep only what brings value and joy into our lives. If those items no longer fit your style or serve a purpose in your life, then it might be time to say goodbye and find another way to honour the memory associated with them.

Find Creative Ways To Re-purpose Your Items

If you just can’t seem to bring yourself to get rid of certain items, there is an alternative: re-purposing them! This way you can keep the item and its memories alive while still getting some use out of it. For example, if you have a dress from your grandmother that doesn't fit anymore, sew it into a quilt or create up-cycled crafts out of it instead! Or if you have china dishes that never get used anymore, turn them into wall decorations instead! There are lots of creative ways you can re-purpose items without having to get rid of them completely; all you need is a little imagination!

Don't Pass The Obligation On To Future Generations

It's also important to remember not to pass on the obligation for these cherished possessions onto future generations. This means avoiding the temptation to hoard things because “they may come in handy one day," as this will only lead to more clutter down the line. Instead, focus on what brings value and joy today so that future generations won't be stuck cleaning up after us later on!

Sentimental Clutter: Keep it or get rid of it?


We all have treasured possessions that hold sentimental value. We cling to them as they hold memories of the past, of people we have loved, or of experiences that have shaped us. However, as we move through life, it is essential to let go of these sentimental items that clutter our living spaces and our minds. In this blog post, we will discuss how to let go of sentimental items and move on to a clutter-free and fulfilling life.

Firstly, it is essential to acknowledge that these items are just physical objects, and our memories and experiences are not tied to them. We must realize that it is the memories and emotions associated with these items that hold meaning, not the objects themselves. This realization can help us let go of our attachment to these objects to move forward.

Next, it is vital to identify which sentimental items are truly meaningful and which ones we are holding onto for the sake of holding onto them. We must Marie Kondo our sentimental items and ask ourselves if they spark joy. If they do not bring us happiness or are not serving a useful purpose, it is time to let them go.

We can also consider donating sentimental items to places where they might be useful or appreciated. For instance, our favorite charity, a family member, or a friend who might treasure them more than we do. Knowing that these objects are going to a good home can bring a sense of peace and fulfillment.

It is also helpful to take photographs of our sentimental items to preserve the memories and emotions associated with them. We can create a photo album or a digital memory box to store these images, so we can revisit them whenever we want. This way, we can let go of the physical object without losing the memory.

Finally, it is crucial to focus on the positive outcomes of letting go of sentimental items. We can free up space in our homes and our minds, reduce stress, and create a more peaceful and organized living space. Letting go of sentimental items can also help us move forward in life and focus on creating new memories and experiences.


Give yourself permission to let go. As difficult as it may be, holding onto sentimental items can hold you back from moving forward in life. By letting go, you're allowing yourself to create new memories and experiences.

Remember, letting go of sentimental items doesn't mean you're letting go of the memories. It's an opportunity to free yourself from the past and move forward. So, take a deep breath, sort through your sentimental items, and let go with grace. You'll be amazed at the sense of freedom it brings.


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