Yoni Steams for Healthy Fertility & Holistic Self Care

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Vaginal steams (bajos, in Spanish) have a long history of being used by traditional healers in various parts of the world, especially in Korea and Central America. There has always been healers in every community, since the dawn of humanity. These healers have been honored and respected as important members of society. Their popularity has been steadily growing in the West, and for good reason – vaginal steams can be beneficial for a wide variety of conditions, from painful menstrual cramps to infertility. They are said to be able to help the uterus empty itself more completely, dredging out old tissue & blood that may have been there for months or even years. Vaginal steams are easy enough to do on your own at home, with herbs that are generally easy to find.

The process is simple. A big pot of tea is prepared and placed under a chair. You sit on the chair, naked from the waist down, with your legs slightly open, so that the steam from the pot of tea will come up to your genitals. The steam will carry the medicinal benefits and volatile oils of the plants to the mucus membranes, which will readily absorb them into your blood stream. This will have a healing effect on both your external and internal organs. You can achieve different actions based on the herbs that you use in the tea, and the heat from the steam itself has a healing, warming effect on the womb.

In Ancient Korea vaginal steams are known as "chai-yok," they would sit naked for up to 45 minutes on an open-seated stool above a steaming pot of water filled with medicinal and aromatic herbs such as mugwort, rosemary, wormwood and basil.

Ideal for women wishing to optimize fertility and to conceive naturally by preparing the uterus for successful implantation by balancing and nourishing the reproductive system. For as long as mankind has been in existence, herbs and other natural ingredients have been used to treat illness and soothe aching and sore muscles, however with the advent of modern medicine, a lot of these healing and rejuvenating treatments have been left behind and so have their benefits. Today, a certain treatment known as the Vaginal Steam is gaining quite the popularity in holistic and natural medicine.

Benefits of Vaginal Steam Baths
Vagina Steam baths bring heat to the womb. The use of specific herbs adds different healing benefits, depending on the fertility-related health condition being treated. Different herbs have different healing properties. Typically, more than one herb is used in a blend, specific to the woman’s unique fertility needs.

  • The combination of herbs works to nourish, tone, heal, bring in fresh oxygenated blood, promote cleansing, and make the vaginal and uterine tissues malleable.

  • The moist heat opens the pores of the the tissues and the warm water vapor carries the medicinal properties of the plants, including volatile oils. This is absorbed into the tissues and enters the bloodstream, having a direct healing effect on the reproductive system. Vaginal tissue is one of the most absorbent of the entire female body.

Women who may benefit from a vaginal-steam would be those with the following conditions: uterine fibroid’s, painful menstruation, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse, irregular menstrual cycles, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, reproductive adhesion/scar tissue, previous vaginal tear or episiotomy, and dark purple or brown blood at the onset or end of menses.

In some cases, a woman should not do vaginal-steam, these are: extremely heavy menstrual cycles (do not do during your period) or if you have a vaginal infection, open wounds, sores, or blisters; do not do if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant. If you have genital piercings, take them out, the heat will cause the piercing to burn you.

Situations where vaginal steams should be avoided:

  • While bleeding (in most situations, except postpartum)

  • During a fever

  • While pregnant, or if there is any possibility of pregnancy

  • With an IUD

  • With extremely heavy flooding menses

  • With any open cuts / wounds / stitches

  • During a herpes outbreak

  • With chronic candida, recurrent yeast infections, or any active vaginal infection.

Instructions to prepare a vaginal steam

Before preparing the herbs, you will want to chose which chair you will be sitting on. You can use a regular wooden chair, or use a specially modified chair that has a hole in it to allow the steam to pass through. Next, chose a location that is quiet and private, where you can sit uninterrupted for 30 minutes. Pick out 2 warm blankets that you will use to cover yourself during the steam. Also place a small towel on the floor where you will be setting down the hot pot of herbs.

To prepare the tea, bring about 1 gallon of water to a boil in a big pot. Turn off the heat, and add the herbs into the pot. Only use fresh or dried herbs for your vaginal steam, never add essential oils! You want to use about 1 cup of dried herbs for 1 gallon of water. If you are planning to use 3 herbs for your steam, you would use approximately 1/3 cup of each. Mix the herbs into the water, making sure they are submerged, and cover with a lid immediately. Allow the herbs to steep for 5 to 10 minutes maximum, then carry your pot over to your designated location, while still covered.

Get naked from the waist down, but keep some warm socks on. Staying warm during the steam is important. You may even start to sweat, and that’s a good thing! Place the pot underneath the chair, uncover it, and sit above it on your chair. Test the warmth of the steam to make sure it isn’t too hot for you. You can always wait a few minutes if it feels too hot. If the steam feels good, go ahead and sit down, wrap your lower body with a big blanket, so that you are creating a little steam room with the pot in the middle. Make sure there are no gaps anywhere, that the blanket touches the ground and doesn’t go in the pot. Use the second blanket to cover your upper body. Sit and enjoy your steam for 20-30 minutes, relaxing, listening to music, reading, or meditating.

If you feel dizzy or light headed at any point while doing a steam, uncover yourself to cool down a bit. If dizziness persists, remove the blankets and pull out the pot from underneath you. Inducing sweating can aid in the process, but you can do a steam with only your lower body covered if you do not wish to get overheated. It is important, however, not to do a vaginal steam in a cold room or near cold drafts.

Please note that your bleeding time may be slightly different following vaginal steams – bleeding could be heavier, there could be more clots in your blood, or your blood could be thicker, almost like dark syrup. Do not be alarmed, this is normal, and is a good reaction to the cleansing effects of the steam. It is also possible for your blood to come a day or two early if you have done steams towards the end of your cycle, or all cycle long.


Traditional Herbs Used for Vaginal-Steam

Rosemary: Increases circulation to the reproductive organs, aids in clearing out of old fluids, is also antiseptic and purifying.

Lavender: One of the most relaxing herbs, calms the mind and body. Nourishing to the nervous system. Lavender is antiseptic to the vaginal tissues. It is also an antispasmodic, aiding in healthy uterine function.

Oregano: Used to bring on menses. Increases scanty flow. This herb is used for its antiseptic, stimulating, and strengthening qualities. Oregano is a wonderful herb for aiding in prevention of infection.

Marigold: Also known as Calendula is used to induce perspiration and cleansing of the vaginal tissues. It is also healing to wounds. Calendula officinalis aids in the healing of tight scarred tissues of the labia and perineum due to episiotomy or vaginal tear. Note: Do not steam an open wound, this could cause pain and swelling.

Basil: May reduce painful menstruation. Helps to bring on menstruation.

Rose petals: Rose petals are gentle and astringent to tissues of the genitals. Rose is a relaxing and uplifting herb.

Other herbs used in combination with above herbs: Burdock leaf, Motherwort, St. John’s Wort, Yarrow, Red Clover, Damiana, Chamomile, Dandelion, Yellow Dock, and Squaw Vine. Traditional Chinese Medicine herbs often used are Mugwort and Wormwood.

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