The 10 Minute Tidy Routine That Will Change Your Life.

Are you struggling to keep your house clean and organized? Are you constantly running out of time to get everything done? If so, I have the perfect solution for you. Introducing the 10 minute tidy routine! This easy to follow routine will help you feel more organized all day long. So why not give it a try today!


The morning can be one of the most stressful times of the day. Between getting yourself ready, potentially getting the kids ready, and making sure everybody gets out the door on time it can be quite the whirlwind. Then when you get home at night, you’re left with the aftermath of the flurry of morning activity. 


This can leave you feeling stressed for the rest of the night, torn between needing to relax and feeling like you need to clean. But with implementing the right morning routine, you can begin to eliminate stress and feel more organized from the time you wake up until it’s time to turn in for the night. 

What’s great is you don’t need to make a huge change to make this routine successful. All you need is ten minutes in the morning to shift your day for the better. Check out the list below to better understand how your mornings will look when you implement these simple steps:

The 10 Minute Tidy Routine

  • Once you get out of bed and take care of your morning self care routine, be sure to make your bed. This will make the end of the night more restful. 

  • When you make it down to the kitchen, take a minute to pick up anything that was left on the counters. You can even do this task at the end of the day to save time in the mornings. 

  • If you ran the dishwasher last night, go ahead and put the dishes away. This will save you time when you get home for whomever is tasked with cooking dinner. It also helps you make sure that there are clean dishes to cook with. 

  • If you notice clutter in any of the main living spaces, take the time to put things away. You can also fluff pillows, clear all surfaces, etc. 

This simple ten-minute routine will allow you to walk into a calm space at the end of each day. If getting started with this all in one big swoop feels overwhelming, just break it down and do small chunks over time! As always--happy organizing!! If I can help set up an organization system for your home too then let me know :)


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