Get Ready for Back to School: Pro Tips for Organizing Your Home!

It's back to school time again! But don't worry, moms; there are ways you can make the back-to-school transition smoother and more organized. With a few simple tips, you can ensure your kids are prepared for the new school year ahead while still keeping your sanity in check.


Unleash your child's potential with a supercharged supply stash and inspiring homework station!

Transform your home into an organized and inspiring haven for learning. Create a well-equipped supply stash and homework station that will empower your little ones to excel in their studies. By dedicating a specific area in your home for homework and studying, you provide a focused and nurturing space. Fill this study sanctuary with all the essentials, from textbooks to calculators, notebooks to folders, ensuring your children have everything they need at their fingertips. Infuse the space with a personal touch, creating an inviting and comfortable atmosphere that sparks curiosity and motivation. With this dedicated space, you are setting the stage for academic success and cultivating a love for learning.


Discover the hidden treasures within your home!

By taking a closer look at what you already have before the new school year begins. Don't overlook the essentials like pencils, pens, erasers, and paper. Trust me, you'll be amazed by the abundance of perfectly usable items that can help you save money on your back-to-school shopping.


Make it fun by getting your kids involved in the process.

By involving them in the process, you can turn it into a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Ask your little ones to brainstorm ideas and create systems that suit their needs. This will empower them to take charge of their tasks and cultivate positive study habits.


Setting up a family calendar.

Setting up a family calendar is an excellent tool for keeping everyone on the same page. Start by choosing a format that works best for your family. This could be a physical calendar hung in a central location, or a digital one that can be easily accessed from any device. Next, ensure each family member is represented in the calendar with a unique colour. This creates a visual snapshot of everyone's activities at a glance.

Enter all the important dates for each family member: school schedules, work commitments, extracurriculars, family outings, and other significant events. Don't forget to include due dates for school projects and reminders for weekly tasks. Make it a habit to review the calendar together as a family, perhaps during a weekly family meeting. This ensures everyone knows what to expect in the week ahead and encourages accountability and responsibility among the children.

By implementing a family calendar, you are not just organizing your days but also teaching your children essential skills of time management and planning. They will learn to respect their own and others' commitments, fostering a sense of shared responsibility. Remember, the essence of the family calendar lies in its regular review and updating, making it a dynamic tool that grows with your family's needs. With a little effort, your family calendar can become the backbone of your family organization, helping everyone stay coordinated and reducing stress during busy times.


Designating a specific space for your children's school items.

Designating a specific space for your children’s school items like backpacks, lunch boxes, and paperwork can dramatically streamline your mornings and reduce clutter. Choose a convenient location, such as a corner of the entryway or a specific spot in their rooms, and create a "launch pad." This is where backpacks and lunch boxes are stored immediately after they are prepped for the next day and where they go the moment your children walk in the door from school.

For paperwork, consider setting up a simple filing system. Use folders or small file bins, each labeled with a specific category - for example, "Homework," "Permission Slips," "Artwork," and "To Be Signed." Teach your children to empty their backpacks of all paperwork and sort it into the appropriate folder each day. This helps keep everything organized and ensures nothing gets lost or forgotten.

Creating these spaces not only promotes organization and efficiency, but also fosters independence in your children as they learn to manage their belongings and responsibilities. With diligent use, these simple systems can become a seamless part of your family's routine, freeing up more time for you to enjoy those precious moments with your little ones.


Take inventory of your kids closets.

Heading into a new school year also provides an ideal opportunity to take inventory of your children's clothing. Spend a day going through their closets and drawers to determine what pieces still fit and which ones they've outgrown. This process can be a fun activity for your children too, allowing them to take part in organizing their own belongings. As you sort, make two piles: one for clothes that still fit and another for those that they've outgrown. This is a great time to discuss the importance of generosity and donation, as many of the outgrown items can be donated to a local charity or passed on to a younger sibling. Not only will this activity provide a clear picture of what new clothes your children might need for the year ahead, but it also helps keep their closets uncluttered and organized. Remember, an organized home leads to an organized mind, making it easier for your children to focus on the upcoming school year.


Meal prep to save time.

Take advantage of the weekends, especially Sunday, to prepare your meals for the entire week. By having everything ready, or mostly ready, you'll breeze through your evenings. And hey, this tip works wonders for school lunches too! So go ahead, simplify your life and enjoy stress-free evenings with the power of meal prep.

Back-to-school time can be overwhelming, but with these tips you can make sure it’s a smooth transition for the entire family! With a bit of prep work and structure, you can make sure that everyone is ready to take on the academic year ahead. Good luck!

For more tips on back-to-school organization, be sure to check out our blog and follow us on instagram @amyjoy.soul.ease. We’ve got lots of great content to help you out as your family gets ready for the school year!


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